
The American Legion Department of Virginia Great Bridge Post 280



We are constatnly looking for members to help and assist with committees. Our most pressing need right now is Finance, membership, Club & Hall, Children and Youth. We can also use help with our Children and Youth events and our Yard Sales and Texas Hold'em. Email us or stop by the Post if you would like to help!!!

Finance - Jim Payne

Membership - Eric Steinlicht

Law and Order - Mark Antley

Junior Shooting Sports - Will Wright

Baseball - Ed Witkowski

Youth Cadet Law Enfrocement Academy - Mark Antley

Boys State of Virginia - Mark Antley

Oratorical - Jim Payne/Mark Antley

Middle School Essay Contest - Scott Richey/Mark Antley

Flag Appreciation - Bob Fountain

Scouting America - Jay Krail 

Club and Hall - Vacant

Building and Grounds - Denny Macina

Veteran's Affairs and Rehab - Stan Remer